The One Thing You Must Do Before Starting Something New?

What is the one thing you must do before starting anything new for your health and fitness & for generally anything in life!?
CrossFit Leixlip
July 4, 2024
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What can help us to start something new but also stick to something new?!

Yes, it all comes down to mindset and self-efficacy meaning the belief that you can actually do it!

You have to BELIEVE you can eat healthier and exercise regularly to actually eat healthier and exercise regularly.

This is not new. See this study that found greater self-efficacy led to fewer diet and exercise relapses. 

If you wish to learn more about the importance of your mindset when starting something new, have a listen to this podcast.

But all too often people are worried about whether to eat soy or which fruits and veggies are "best," before really sifting through one's belief structure.

"Can I actually envision myself at the end goal?"

If not, you have work to do.

And this is where making SMALL and SUSTAINABLE changes becomes key. You can develop self-efficacy when you follow through on your thoughts. And you want to start small, so your chances of following through are very high.

An example of what we do in our Nutrition Club in CrossFit Leixlip is the  #800gChallenge®, it involves eating 800 grams of non-processed fruit or veg. 

Many people will be better off starting with just committing to "I'll have a piece of fruit at breakfast" on Day 1. That's much easier than committing to 800 grams on Day 1, failing, and thinking the diet isn't for you. In the former scenario, adding small changes over time will lead to a consistent 800 gram intake. The latter scenario may result in frustration versus any real change.

Setting small doable steps is not about everyone getting a participation trophy. 

Instead, it's how to build your confidence and belief in yourself

Then overtime, you'll be able to tackle bigger and bigger changes with ease.

So, before you start a new regime ask yourself: do I actually believe I can stick to it? 

Can I actually see myself at the end state? 

Do this before changing the food or exercise routine.

To truly win at a new lifestyle change, is changing your mindset, not your food choices.

Thank you EC of @OptimizeMeNutrtion for your continued guidance and support to the CFL Crew!!

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